What exactly is Vlogging?

A video blog/viddeo log/vlog is a blog type in which video replaces text as the primary medium. Embedded video (or a video link) is frequently combined with accompanying text, photos, and other information in vlogs. It may be shared on any prominent social media network that allows video uploads. YouTube, on the other hand, is the go-to destination for practically everyone.

Everyone can benefit from Vlogging.

To make an entertaining Vlog, you don’t need a professional camera or high-end production tools. You only need a decent sense of humor and the capacity to express yourself freely. Housewives, teens, teachers, and athletes are all represented. It’s open to almost everyone with a desire to express themselves creatively.

Another trend that is quickly gaining traction is business Vlogging. Customers will feel like they know you and can trust you if you upload fascinating and useful vlogs about your business and corporate culture.


Where do you begin?

Before you begin making vlogs, you should carefully consider the platform on which you want to share them. YouTube is, without a doubt, the finest place to start. It boasts a large user base of people from all walks of life and is very simple to use. The following are some more platforms to consider before making a decision:

  1. Youtube
  2. Dailymotion
  3. Vimeo
  4. Vine
  5. Metacafe
  6. Vessel
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