
SQL/MySQL Introduction

Last Update March 8, 2022
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MySQL is the most popular open source database server currently available. Furthermore, it is frequently combined with PHP scripts to construct sophisticated and dynamic server-side applications.

In the past, MySQL has been chastised for not providing all of the functionality of other, more expensive database management systems. MySQL, on the other hand, continues to improve with each version, and it is now extensively used by individuals and enterprises of all sizes.

A database can be divided into two types: flat databases and relational databases. A relational database is significantly more oriented to the human mind, therefore thus is frequently favored over the jumbled-up flat databases that are simply saved on hard drives as text files. MySQL is a relational database management system. Tables are used to hold data in a relational structured database. The columns specify the kind of data that will be stored in the table. For each sort of data you want to save, a separate column must be established (i.e. Age, Weight, and Height). A row, on the other hand, holds the actual values for the columns that have been set. Each column in each row will have a single value. A table having columns (Name, Age, and Weight-lbs.) may, for example, include a row with the values (Bob, 65, 165). Don’t worry if all of this relational database jargon is making you confused. In the next lectures, we will discuss and demonstrate a few examples.

When it comes to keeping information that falls into logical categories, databases come in handy. Let’s imagine you wanted to keep track of all of a company’s employees’ information. You can use a database to split different aspects of your business into separate tables, which will help you keep your data more rationally. Employees, Supervisors, and Customers are some examples of tables. Each table would therefore include columns dedicated to each of these three categories. The Employees table could have the following columns to assist store information about each employee: Hire, Date, Position, Age, and Salary.


1 Lesson3m 6s

SQL/MySQL Introduction

SQL/MySQL Introduction00:03:06Preview

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