Complete Course of Python Design Patterns
About This Course
In this course you will learn about Python Design Patterns. This is the course of Design patterns are built into Python. So we use Python Design Patterns even without knowing. Some patterns are not needed due of the nature of the language. These are the programming patterns that are well known in programming language these are Abstract Factory Pattern, Builder Pattern., Factory Method Pattern, Prototype Pattern and Singleton Pattern
This course cover the detail of these topics:
- Systems Thinking
- Mental Models
- The Right Tools for the Job
- Design Patterns
- What Makes a Design Pattern?
- Classification
- The Tools We Will Be Using
- The Singleton Pattern
- The Problem
- Enter the Objects
- The Prototype Pattern
- The Problem
- Beyond the First Steps
- Base for an Actual Game
- Implementing the Prototype Pattern
- Shallow Copy vs. Deep Copy
- Shallow Copy
- Dealing with Nested Structures
- Factory Pattern
- Getting Started
- The Game Loop
- Builder Pattern
- Anti-Patterns
- A Note on Abstraction
- Exercises
- Adapter Pattern
- Separation of Concern
- Sample Problem
- Class Adapter
- Object Adapter Pattern
- Duck Typing
- Implementing the Adapter Pattern in the Real World
- Decorator Pattern
- Retaining Function name and doc
- Decorating Classes
- Facade Pattern
- Systems Evolution
- What Sets the Facade Pattern Apart
- Adapter
- Separation of Concern
- Sample Problem
- Class Adapter
- Object Adapter Pattern
- Duck Typing
- Implementing the Adapter Pattern in the Real World
- Parting Shots
- Decorator Pattern
- Facade Pattern
- Point of Sale Example
- Systems Evolution
- What Sets the Facade Pattern Apart