Most popular
Data Science Complete Course for Beginners (Urdu Tutorials)
(1 rating)
25 Lessons
3.6 hours
All Levels
Power BI Certification Training Course
(1 rating)
6 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Desktop layout
Builtin aggregations
Reports and dashboards
DAX commands and functions
Data Scientist Introduction (Urdu Tutorial)
1 Lesson
9.3 minutes
All Levels
Introduction to Data Engineering (English Tutorial)
1 Lesson
2.6 minutes
All Levels
Data Science with R Programming
64 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Business analytics
R programming and its packages
Data structures and data visualization
Apply functions and DPLYR function
Graphics in R for data visualization
Hypothesis testing
Apriori algorithm
kmeans and DBSCAN clustering
Tableau Certification Training
56 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Tableau statistics
Building interactive dashboards
Arithmetic logical LOD calculations
Heat map waterfall Pareto
Clustering forecasting techniques
Custom geocoding radial selections
Special field types
Data Science with Python
68 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Data wrangling
Data exploration
Data visualization
Mathematical computing
Web scraping
Hypothesis building
Python programming concepts
NumPy and SciPy package
ScikitLearn package for Natural Language Processing
Data Science Complete Course for Beginners (Urdu Tutorials)
(1 rating)
25 Lessons
3.6 hours
All Levels
Data Science with Python
68 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Data wrangling
Data exploration
Data visualization
Mathematical computing
Web scraping
Hypothesis building
Python programming concepts
NumPy and SciPy package
ScikitLearn package for Natural Language Processing
Power BI Certification Training Course
(1 rating)
6 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Desktop layout
Builtin aggregations
Reports and dashboards
DAX commands and functions
Data Science with R Programming
64 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Business analytics
R programming and its packages
Data structures and data visualization
Apply functions and DPLYR function
Graphics in R for data visualization
Hypothesis testing
Apriori algorithm
kmeans and DBSCAN clustering
Introduction to Data Engineering (English Tutorial)
1 Lesson
2.6 minutes
All Levels
Data Scientist Introduction (Urdu Tutorial)
1 Lesson
9.3 minutes
All Levels
Tableau Certification Training
56 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Tableau statistics
Building interactive dashboards
Arithmetic logical LOD calculations
Heat map waterfall Pareto
Clustering forecasting techniques
Custom geocoding radial selections
Special field types
All Data Science & Business Analytics Courses
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We found 1 course available for you
Data Scientist Introduction (Urdu Tutorial)
1 Lesson
9.3 minutes
All Levels
Introduction: The world today has become fast paced and craves …