Active learning and learning strategies
April 6, 2022 2022-04-06 12:30Active learning and learning strategies
What is the definition of active learning?
In a nutshell, active learning is when a student participates actively in the learning process. Through a variety of methods, including cooperation with the teacher and peers, the student assumes more responsibility.
Active learning includes activities like reading, writing, conversation, and problem-solving to enhance analysis, synthesis, and assessment of class information, resulting in a richer and more engaging learning experience. It also allows students to provide comments on how well they comprehended the things being taught to them, allowing teachers to discover weak areas in a child’s knowledge and understanding.
Students’ attention spans are known to wane every 12-20 minutes, so by including active learning tactics into your lesson plan, you should be able to keep your students more interested with the material you’re presenting.
The advantages of using active learning techniques in the classroom
There are multiple advantages to using active learning practices in the classroom to help children of all ages grow:
- Create lifelong learners – These tactics encourage students to become lifelong learners by emphasizing that learning is about more than just the information; it is also about how a student learns.
- Allow pupils to have more influence over their learning – Increased engagement engages pupils and provides them with skills that they may apply later in life, after they’ve graduated from high school and college.
- Remind pupils to keep focused on their studies – Students are more likely to stay attentive when they are actively engaged in the learning process than passively sitting and listening.
- Increase a student’s interest in their academics – Encourage pupils to participate in active learning activities, and they’ll be more enthusiastic about their studies or a specific subject.
- Invigorate a topic’s intellectual appeal – When a student uses active learning methods to learn about a subject, they have the chance to get genuinely enthusiastic about it.
- Enable students to participate in academic discussions at a higher level – allowing students to engage in more in-depth examination, critical thinking, and evaluation of an issue
- Offer unrivalled assistance and a more comprehensive education – Your pupils can help each other, so you don’t have to rely just on the teacher. They’ll acquire new abilities and go deeper into themes, creating a better-rounded learning environment.
- Assist students of all ages in preparing for future jobs – Active learning approaches can be an effective strategy to combine abilities that will be valuable in the profession. Students can practice skills that are important in the workplace by including activities such as case studies and problem-based learning situations into their curriculum.
- Enhance cooperation – Active learning generates a huge rise in total cooperation amongst students, whether it’s just more class discussion or student-generated exam questions.